Community Platform DC/DC Tutoring & Mentoring Initiative Our Logo
Report IdViewReport TitleDate Changed or AddedLast Used
66ViewPublic Charity Finances: Trends, FY 2004 - most recently available year2025-02-102025-02-10
67ViewRegistered public charities, 2004, 2009, 2014, and Latest Year2025-02-102025-02-10
81ViewChange in Finances, 2000-2012, by NTEE2025-02-102025-02-10
90ViewNumber of Organizations by Legal Type and Revenue2025-02-102025-02-10
93ViewKnowledgeBase/Library: List Topics2025-02-102025-02-10
97ViewPublic charity and private foundation deaths2025-02-102025-02-10
98ViewOrganization births (ruling dates) by year and organization type2025-02-102025-02-10
102ViewCongregational Support for Nonprofits2025-02-102025-02-10
103ViewCongregational support for organizations (detail)2025-02-102025-02-10
104ViewNumber and Expenses of Reporting Public Charities, 20122025-02-102025-02-10
105ViewNumber and Financial Scope of Reporting Public Charities by Subsector, 20122025-02-102025-02-10
106ViewNumber, Revenue, Expenses, and Assets of Reporting Public Charities by Subsector, 2002, 2007, 20122025-02-102025-02-10
107ViewTotal Registered Nonprofits: 2002, 2007, 2012, Latest Year2025-02-102025-02-10
108ViewTotal Registered Public Charities: 2002, 2007, 2012, Latest Year2025-02-102025-02-10
109ViewFinances of Reporting Nonprofits, By Type: 2002, 2007, 20122025-02-102025-02-10
110ViewFinances: Panel of public charities reporting in 2006 and 20122025-02-102025-02-10
111ViewCurrent Number and Revenue of Registered, Filing Organizations, by Subsector2025-02-102025-02-10
229ViewNumber and Expenses of Reporting Public Charities, 20152025-02-102025-02-10
230ViewNumber and Financial Scope of Reporting Public Charities by Subsector, 20152025-02-102025-02-10
231ViewNumber, Revenue, Expenses, and Assets of Reporting Public Charities by Subsector, 2005, 2010, 20152025-02-102025-02-10
232ViewTotal Registered Nonprofits: 2005, 2010, 2015, Latest Year2025-02-102025-02-10
233ViewTotal Registered Public Charities: 2005, 2010, 2015, Latest Year2025-02-102025-02-10
234ViewFinances of Reporting Nonprofits, By Type: 2005, 2010, 20152025-02-102025-02-10
241ViewTotal Registered Private Foundations: 2005, 2010, 2015, Latest Year2025-02-102025-02-10
Elapsed time: 08:56:40 - fin: 08:56:40

SELECT Report_Id, CONCAT('View') as `View`, title as Report_Title , substring(timestamp,1,10) as Date_Changed__or__Added , lastDateUsed as Last_Used FROM admin.reports where title not like '%(OLD)%' and (category not like 'Internal%' and category not like 'Custom%' and accessRights not like '%ADMIN%') and (category like 'General with parameter' or category like 'Internal - community administrators')