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Overview of the Nonprofit Sector: Number of Organizations

This report shows the number of organizations in major categories in the Platform. (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
Elapsed time: 08:17:27 - fin: 08:17:27

SELECT count(*) as Number_of_Registered_Organizations, sum(if( subseccd = '03' and fndncd not in ('02','03','04'), 1, 0)) as Number_of_Public_Charities, sum(if( subseccd = '03' and fndncd in ('02','03','04'), 1, 0)) as Number_of_Private_Foundations, sum(if( subseccd <> '03', 1, 0)) as Number_of_Other_Nonprofits, sum(if( subseccd = '03' and fndncd not in ('02','03','04') and substr(taxper,1,6) >='200907' and (assets>0 or income>0), 1, 0)) as Number_of_Public_Charities_Filing_990s, sum(if( subseccd = '03' and fndncd in ('02','03','04') and substr(taxper,1,6) >='200907' and (assets>0 or income>0), 1, 0)) as Number_of_Private_Foundations_Filing_990PFs, sum(if( subseccd <> '03' and substr(taxper,1,6) >='200907' and (assets>0 or income>0), 1, 0)) as Number_of_Other_Nonprofits_Filing_990s from bmf.bm1406 where state in ('DC','MD','VA');